Fall 2024 Dream Group Sign-up

Begins in August | Please fill out this form and click submit.
Rev Chris will contact you prior to the first meeting of the group.
Do you ever wonder if your dreams have messages for you? Dreamwork is the spiritual practice of paying attention to your dreams and what they have to tell you about your life. In dream group, we learn to pay attention to the symbols in our own dreams by looking at those in other people's dreams. By taking dreams seriously, we learn to listen to what our unconscious has to tell us about life. No previous experience with dreamwork is necessary!

Contact: Rev. Chris - minister@horizonuu.orgĀ 

Meeting times: 2nd Thursdays 7pm to 9:00pm:



Begins in August
Please fill out this form and click submit.
Rev Chris will contact you prior to the first meeting of the group.